Insurance Data Science, London 2018

The 1st Insurance Data Science conference took place at Cass Business School, London on 16 July 2018.
Insurance Data Science conference, 16 July
[09:00-10:00] Keynote 1: Gareth Peters
[10:00-11:00] Session 1: Pricing / Claims modelling
- Sparsity with multi-type lasso penalties - Tom Reynkens [slides]
- Statistical analysis of weather-related property insurance claims - Christian Rohrbeck [slides]
- Claims frequency modelling using telematics car driving data - Mario Wüthrich [slides]
[11:00-11:30] Coffee
[11:30-12:30] Session 2: Lightning talks
- Machine learning for actuaries: An introduction - NN, Steven Perkins [slides]
- Truncated regression models for the analysis of operational losses due to fraud: A high performance computing implementation in R - Alberto Glionna [slides]
- Using Random Forest to estimate risk profiles and probability of breakdowns - Lara A. Neira Gonzalez [slides]
- Simulating economic variables using graphical models - Aniketh Pittea [slides]
- RShiny at Qatar Re: A business case study - Marc Rierola [slides]
- PnC reinsurance modeling using Python and TensorFlow - Pauli Rämö [slides]
- ‘KSgeneral’ : A package for fast, exact, Komogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit testing - Senren Tan [slides]
[12:30-13:30] Lunch
[13:30-14:30] Session 3: Capital and exposure modelling
- Statistical learning for portfolio tail risk measurement - Michael Ludkovski [slides]
- Reverse sensitivity testing: What does it take to break the model? - Silvana M. Pesenti [slides]
- Using R for catastrophe modelling of cyber risks in (re)insurance - Benjamin C. Dean [slides]
[14:30-15:00] Session 4: Panel discussion
[15:00-15:30] Coffee
[15:30-16:30] Session 5: Business Case Studies
- SFCR automated analysis using scraping, text mining and machine learning methods for benchmarking and capital modelling - Aurelien Couloumy [slides]
- Machine learning and fairness for commercial insurance - Oliver Laslett [slides]
- Getting value out of machine learning - Javier Rodriguez Zaurin [slides]
[16:30-17:30] Keynote 2: Eric Novik
[17:30-17:35] Annoucment 2019
- Announcement Insurance Data Science conference 2019 - Mario Wüthrich
[18:00-22:00] Reception drinks & Dinner
Stan in Insurance Workshop, 17 July
[8:30-9:00] Registration
[9:00 - 10:30] Eric Novik
- Intro to Stan, including:
- Coding linear regression to assess wine quality
- Demonstrating important parts of the Stan program
- Doing some basic posterior predicting checking
- Introduction to calibration and model comparison
- Introduction to making decisions with Bayesian models
[10:30 - 11:00] Coffee
[11:00 - 12:30] Paul-Christian Bürkner
- From classical GLMs to multi-level model
- Comparing classical GLMs with bayesian GLMs using rstanarm
- Building more complex multi-level models using brms
- Examples from pricing and claims reserving
[12:30 - 13:30] Lunch
[13:30 - 14:30] Mick Cooney & Jake Morris
- Case studies from the insurance industry
- Loss development curves in Stan (Mick Cooney)
- Hierarchical compartmental reserving models (Jake Morris)
[14:30 - 15:00] Coffee
[15:00 - 17:00] Working in groups with support of the presenters
- Work on your own problems or work through on of the following examples: